Monthly Archive: July, 2012

Anytime you start thinking you know how to write, pick up any Elmore Leonard and read a sentence.

Mine (in NYC)

Imitate the Batman

“With Joker-style gunmen going mad, and white collar criminals getting off scot free, I can’t help but wonder—where are all the people who are imitating The Batman?” –Arthur Oswald Fischel

Self portrait with a larger jaw

Self portrait as a cartoon 20 years younger

Flying Lobster Sighting

Poem: The Universe, Revising

In honor of the NOVA/PBS triple-feature of Brian Greene-inspired TV tonight, thought I should post one of my poems influenced by his work. Strap in, it’s a long one: THE UNIVERSE, REVISING PRELUDE:… Continue reading

Memories From A Rainstorm

Meditation On Watching The News

Cowboy Directions

Professor, what’s another name for pirate treasure?

Reminiscing on the Wood Panelled Caravan

Fonzie and Clones, 2003 by Arthur Oswald Fischel

Confusing Instructions

At Commonwealth Books.


My Giverney

At New York Botanical Gardens.

Homage to Dash

Three Landings: New Print

The North End

Baldedssari Time Travel: Monet at New York Botanical Gardens

The Dial A Poem Phone

At MOMA. July, 2012.